11 de April

Conference "Towards A Green & Digital Future

In the scope of a new Inverse Mission to Portugal and Closing Session of the Portuguese HUB ICT Project managed by Inova-Ria and Fraunhofer Portugal with funding from Compete 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Union, Inova-Ria promotes the Conference "Towards A Green & Digital Future" with the support of COTEC Portugal and aicep Portugal Global .

The Conference will take place on June 29th, in Porto, and the subjects under discussion will be related to

- Trends and Opportunities of Digital Transition and Green Transition - national and international;

- Industry 5.0;

- Logistics and Supply Chain;

- Energy Transition.

More information about the event will be shared soon.

Register here.

Conference Towards a Greeen & Digital Future

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